Manchester Historical Recorder (Download)
Code:[2Mb File] Published as a book c1875, now transcribed as a digital file. Covers the municipal, ecclesiastical, biographical, commercial and statistical history of Manchester. It includes events in the history of the city from its founding to the time of publication. The text of this file is fully searchable.
Some entries for 1868 typical of the contents:
-The Congregational Day and Sunday Schools connected with Hope Chapel, Liverpool Street, Salford, erected March 26.
-John Howarth, shopkeeper, Cross Street, sentenced to five years penal servitude for receiving postage stamps from boys, knowing them to be stolen, April 4.
-Alderman W. Bowker died at his residence, Old Trafford, April 6, aged 54 years. Interred at Sale Cemetery on the 11th. The Mayor and other members of the City Council were present.
-The United Kingdom Alliance entertained at breakfast Mr. E. C, Delevan, of Albany, New York, a veteran in the Temperance cause, April 6.
-Meeting of the Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners at the Hulme Town Hall, April 8, to inaugurate an institution for the instruction of its members in technical education. R. Neill, mayor, presided. The meeting was addressed by Mr. John Scott Russell, of London.