Scotland: The Edinburgh Almanac 1817 (Download)
Code:[125Mb File] This download contains over 400 scanned pages of the Almanac and includes hundreds of names.
The index contains an A to Z of items, events, etc from Academy Royal, Admiralty Court, Banks, Clergy, Freeholders, Hospitals, Police, Societies, to Universities, including English, Irish, East India and the counties of Scotland. It includes: Tide Table for each month as well as the phases of the moon, planets (eg. Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, etc).
Also includes: Gardeners’ Year Calendar, a list of Remarkable Occurrences from 1701 to 1816 (e.g. In 1707 Union between England & Scotland signed July 22; in1814 Bonaparte exile to Elba). A long list names of peerages – Dukes, Marquis, Earls, Barons, etc. (Scottish, English & Irish 1300s to 1800s). Kings and Emperors of other countries (France, Russia, Spain, Sicily, Turkey, etc). Also includes: Shipping Companies, Free Masons, Physicians, Surgeons, Hospitals, Institutions, Clergy (in each county), Army, list of names – various regiments (e.g. Cavalry, Dragoons, Foot, etc.) Royal Navy – names of ships and masters, etc.