Benedictine Schools for Girls: Registers
Code:This download is a scanned copy of a book originally published by the Catholic Family History Society but which has for some time been out of print. It contains lists of pupils for the following colleges and periods: Ghent, 1624-1794, Preston, 1795-1811, Caverswall, 1811-1853. and Oulton, 1853-1969. They are presented as a PDF file and include alphabetical and numeric indexes. Text is partially searchable (uses Optical Character Recognition)
Most of the Ghent records were lost because of the hurried nature of the Benedrctines “flight' trom their home there. This means only a few names survive from those early days However, many at these names represent notable recusant families The registers for the other three periods are essentially complete. The original form of the registers was entry number, name, dates of birth and death (many not given), dates of entering and leaving, and parents. Over the years, further biographical details have been added including dates of confirmation, enrolment as E de M (Enfants de Marie; Children of Mary), marriage, profession as nuns and other professional attainments. In addition, relationships to other students. across the history at the colleges. have been painstakingly researched and added.
The sources listed in the original manuscript are manuscripts -- lists and records; account books, letters and diaries: Death Bills of the Benedictines at Ghent Annals of the Benedictines at Ghent, C R S volumes, Foley's Records. Gillow‘s Biographical Dictionary of English Catholics, Kirke‘s Brographies, Catholic "Who's Who", Catholic Encyclopaedia, correspondence With families and students etc., Registers of baptism. confirmation, marriage and death.